Arresting Gadd? I'm sure the Met are just giving the Grandmasters a false sense of security...
Hmmm. Tried not to get too down hearted about it. He's such an easy target. The sort of common or garden paedophile that took up the lower levels. They were looked down on by most ranks. This meant they were exploited, bullied, blackmailed, humiliated and abused to an extent I found it hard not to feel sorry for them. I argued about it with a friend in the mid eighties, she hated them all equally. I felt that at least the ones that had sex with kids because they found it irresistible tended to talk to you more and were more likely to be a bit nicer to you. The other ones, people with more clean cut, family man, respectable type public roles had to take drugs, watch films and be raped themselves to have sex with a child. It was a means to an end. Many rings had ideologies built on some sort of belief that by going against every social and humanistic instincts a human had brought about liberation and would eventually ...