yada yada
Yesterday once the first time this year we managed to put in an asda delivery. That means today we had steak chips gravy and red wine of course. Don't know what our issue is with ordering groceries so we don't need to go to the little shops here every fucking day is. Well there is the problems we have eating sometimes the difficulty in planning ahead and accepting that we that same shit that needed to be done today will need to be done tomorrow and feeling like I am better suited to other duties.. But other than that.. May giving it that her and Trump are going to bring back some kind of imperialistic golden age. Unpleasant. Saw a meme today showing a bunch of arms with camp registration number tattoos it was highlighting previous times people of specific ethnicities have been registered and demonised like immigrants and Muslims are now. We know this. We know the fictional emotive rhetoric and the long term plans for destroying and denying human rights behind it. We know it...