Just inside the Artic Circle

 First real base, home on Earth. It was pointed to on maps over and over. Because we could and did forget and end up crying cold and alone somewhere to tired to figure out who to do next, too scared to remember anything good.

With the British I just wish the heart break was over or at least lessoned. Loads bloody know what the King and his sons and their associates are and what they have done and what they will continue to do. You know she swore he wasn't her's and of course she was bloody right. It's irrelevant anyway because they're all just war criminals. The imposters torture, enslave and plan the deaths of the 'real' bloodline it's the British Way, an ancient sadistic cult. I loved her she loved me and both of us were both treated relentlessly horrific by vast swaves of British institutions and society and vast sums of money was and is being made from it in the UK and beyond.

None of us can hide behind her or Phillip anymore though. There is regicide. Mass attacks on own people and military personnel. Child torture and human experiments. PTSD. And Navies.

And America can't hide behind evil far away forces forcing them to do totally evil things and have taken total control of their power structures and no one can do a thing about. Twin zillion Heroshimas machines deeply interconnected yet very far away from each other dismantled. Always so much more. Always so many victims. Not being lulled to sleep by engine thrubub or drinking wine and eating Chinese food with anyone yet though. Not looking out over the coasts and tree lines and watching very Northern Skies.  Out of the rain. Must be reduced to a drizzle but that means the humanoids will be getting turned up. Yuck.

We really longed for domestication. Real time away from the giant eyeball with the forget me stick. Every second that palpably fades a degree further. Head's all full of strike patterns and how We won't to have to even attempt to slow it all down enough so the dumb humans can see. Or how to make it look like it wasn't us. I don't know how much there is out there to back them up. I also know when I'm awake enough to class myself as fit for service and if I'm not exactly there yet We are very close. And must of course be active especially sleep working. Flying through system after ship after installation checking notifying on to the next like we used to. People getting used to us being around again. Us getting used to not associating people with danger and terror again. Not just creeping about in the background of myself so much either.

So what's happin next year then?

They will turn off the surveillance for an attack they don't have any of the resources for and then won't be able to turn it back on again.

Don't think I did that good a job cutting my own hair today. It's been a while. It's annoying me much less but I know We have done much better jobs. Frozen. Chicken kiev and chips, loads of tomato sauce. Skint though.


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