Birthday Rant.

It was supposed to be well argued piece on Christopher Okigbo that showed how his work manipulated archtypes in cleansing rituals that were preperations for war. I tried to articulate my own Okigbo and Igbo inspried vision of modernist literature as a vehicle for a progress. The liberal ideal is not a myth; a bourgoise excuse for the freedoms given to those to instil and protect social and economic relationships based on theft. The faith, the will for universal betterment is a projection of the body's journey from truama, injury and dislocation through healing to compensation or recovery.

But Tahir square was full of chanting while the military hang back and smoked fags.

The state as the projection of the people should be allowed to show its capabilites for survival. We walk without legs, except others' parts as our own and rewire our own brains. We can live without dictators.

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