
The current diagnosis from Super Shrink, we like much better than the 'Persistent Delusional Disorder' from the bloke who had spoken to us for half an hour and hadn't read any notes.

        ...chronic history of childhood neglect, child and adult physical and sexual abuse, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Personality Disorder, Attachment Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder manifest from early childhood experiences.

Prior psychotherapy and medication appear to have encouraged little resistance to these issues.  This is reflective of the chronic nature of the sexual and physical abuse experienced by ***

has a formal diagnosis [from NHS psychiatrist, she's a psychologist] of Emotionally Unstable Personality.  This is an enduring patter of inner experiences and behaviors that markedly deviate from the expectations of the individual's culture. [man that is so loaded! Suspect that a small amount of reading into "personality disorders" might result in the unexplained deaths of heap a of psychiatrists]

In addition to this, ** presents with Dissociative Identity Not Otherwise Specified, DDNOS.  This has similar presentation to Dissociative Identity Disorder, DID, in that there are two or more distinct personality states and amnesia for important information. **'s dissociative states are as a result of her childhood traumas during which thought reform was used.  As a result she can behave and think in ways out with consciousness and that may be inappropriate in a social or work setting...

** is undergoing psychopathology within this practice using an expertise prognostic model...

Might sound like a bunch shrink bull to some but people (and not just mes) have worked hard and sacrificed lots for those words, from a proper, non abuser doctor and in my permanent possession.


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