February 2021

 It is the 25th I am just back from the birth/haven't died yet day shop of buying necessary unnecessarys. No pubs, its Chinese New Year so candles, chocolate, beer, bath plug with a floating unicorn attached, ginger biscuits, new notebook that is just for gardening but will end up with the odd weird lines and partial descriptions of severe trauma. Never know if it's real or not when I feel judged for buying pretty unnecessary shit. Like the middle aged women on the counter are thinking and probably saying something how can I afford it, and how unfair that is and making up ways that I could have come about the funds for new pens, little boxes to keep shit in and dinky box of ferrero rocher. Yeah basically I assume everyone everywhere is like the old neighbors. We are on the otherside of the first wave of how we actually feel about living there all that time hitting us. Its a better place to be compared to everything that has come before.

I've been trying to take more pictures, always have that thing about wanting to record the present, after so much time not knowing where I've been it makes sense.

Had to show you me from this angle as there is too much chinage otherwise. Getting more comfortable with the home hair cuts. No way We putting ourself through the cash and anxiety of a hair cut by a professional anymore. Junior to. His face though. I wouldn't say no him getting a professional face hair cut.

Drinking less wine for a while now so got this that is like two bottles of what I usually get. The over spending isn't that bad. For us. At this time of year. And the supermarket vouchers are extremely useful. I know your not a fan of us apoligising and justifying ourself but it gets more difficult to not slide back into when your not around.

Love seeing sunflowers after they germinate. Its life affirming seeing the tough little shell getting pushed up through the earth into the air like that.


Gonna turn on the oven, sort out the kitchen and
make some chicken kievs and chips. Unfortunately with out peas as We forgot to tell Junior to buy them. I told him him to get somekind of ice cream cadbury thing and he came back saying he could only see cadbury caramel stuff and got magnums instead.

He does not like caramel.

He's already eaten one of the Magnums.


 Need lots of thyme.. 

Proud of how prepared we are. Other years we have just ignored it or tried to act like people on tv do on 'birthdays'. Keeping in mind that some years its the days after we start really sinking. The school has sent emails indicating they would like some communication and we hope we figure something out. He's gotta make his GCSE choices. 


 Okay. All the beer and melancolic, memory loaded tunes are getting too much for us. Have episodes of Servant and Snow Piercer.. Elm Street box set i could continue with tomorrow, Disney if We don't.

Tunes and you for a little longer. 

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