
the more I think about what I want to write the more I realise the story is already known, its the story of me that I write to separate myself from the past. 

Drama therapist poned today and asked about wee man's safety.  Difficult questions to answer but I'm always glad that someone other than me is asking.  I've already talked for hours.  My mother's hands are full of arthritis and she was always running on empty anyway.  Alkysis is either drunk or shaking and often blind because she is always breaking or losing her glasses.  The little ones, well granted they can strop for Britain and have given some nasty from behind hug tackles but I think its a while before I need to worry about them pimping me out.  Better the devil you know and devils that are old, tired and struggling with desises are the best.   

West Coast trip planned soon.  Increasingly becoming a bit of a thought.  I wonder what memories I'm chasing now.  Now doubt I'll find them by the bucket load.  I've working my Wii fit and the baby weights a bit over the oast few days.  The plan is to be outside with my son lots.  In air that  preferably isn't freezing cold, soaking wet or beastie infested..  Either way I want to walk about in it, under the sky, sniffing the nature and all that. Boy + beach = :) Really glad there will be other 'adults' there theres no way I'd been volunteering to herd three kids in large open spaces for a week and think it was a good idea.  Were taking a fair amount of baggage out there and hopefully taking it all back again too as long as the weather doesn't get so awful my mother decides its to have a launch some sort of intervention on my sister while quaffing vino.  All the while I'm contemplating have much clever I am than them as cough and hack my way through endless roll ups.  Family life is great, its what our great nations are built on. 

They were trained to do it then they were trained to stop.  I think I might try saying that next time.  And how do you know? The brave ones might answer.  Because I was involved in the research, planning and execution of said training. 

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