Should of Quit While I was Ahead


'Freakshow' and its creepy cool animated intro was fairly excellent. We are always a fan of bio diversity on the telly and some kind of justice being achieved at the end of a long story. Even if some of it was props and effects bio diversity, not all of it was. So good to see more of Pepper and her story. Wiemar and snuff...And the songs, the Bowie was something else but the 'Come as you are' fucking amazing. The stuff about upper classes and inbreeding and psychopaths, 'Jack the ripper was a Winsor..' Science attitudes to unusual bodies and the trade in exhibits seen through the eyes of the loved ones.. More exposure of how 'normal' people commit horrific crimes and how easily it can be pinned on those that are different that was a big theme Asylum. Bates (not Burke) as a bearded lady and heaps of other actors we were already a fan of or certainly am now.  Some seriously cathartic and life affirming stuff.  No regrets about skipping the porny half arsed Coven.

'Hotel' though...

The blood drinking from wrist cuts, the abducted children that can't go home now, the Devil's Night murder party. The casual slaughter by the privileged of anyone they fancy. Way too close to home. Feeling quite queasy and messed up. Ga Ga  is fucking terrifying as we figured she would be. Do love art deco though don't know if it will be enough to get us through the cutting and drinking though. Warmth of the lips on our wrists and us not being able to console that warmth with such cold and dehumanised act. Some older kid, a teenager told us we were a vampire he pointed at our wrists and said it was proof because we had cuts there but were still alive. We said we something even more special, we had blood that clotted to stop us from bleeding out because I was a human. Stupid sick fucks.

We need to cut back on the extreme binge viewing anyway. Got that form to get through. Have reached the 'Communicating' section. We really don't feel up to communicating our difficulties with communicating. Don't want to rush it either. Think it would make sense to ask for a bit for time to ease the stress of it. It will probably take a few attempts and a lot of waiting to get through and that will be stressful just not as stressful as trying to fill in the form when not filling it in and posting it off immediately will result in them taking a chunk of cash away. That would just get us in a state and we wouldn't be able to write our pretend name and the National Insurance number of 100 ghosts never mind go into coherent detail about how our conditions effect us and how inappropriate it would be to force us to a face to face assessment.

We are here, not there and that is a step towards not being so alone.

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