Tell us everything again.

Last night was nice, drinking pink wine, toasting marshmallows, playing cards and chatting.

Today, not so good. Arm pit infection the worst we have had for a while, was using roll on deodorant for a while may of been a factor. It did burst today but we've been so tired and weepy, a bit shaky a times as well. Might of forgotten to add the arm pit and other places nasties on the PIP form when it comes in but not now. Quite ug of course having to fill out another 'how you condition effects you in as much detail as possible' form, hey maybe we will end up with more than we are currently getting for DLA.. Would much rather not be put through it again, we have just gotten out of dread of being subjected to a face to face assessment and the state it would leave us in. Got really shit at taking our inhalers in last few months and that of course has caught up with us, tired, out of breath easily, wheezy..

Stunning weather today to but did drag the kid out yesterday and it was Saturday in summer in a touristy town and therefore busy as fuck out there, was barely in the garden either. It was lovely but we too weepy and didn't want neighbours to see us and be nice while we felt like that and were trying to dry out the festering. Got junior to put out some towels and we persuaded ourself eventually to put out at least half of the other load we put in so we would have clean jammies. Very glad we did.

Casual gamming has kept us distracted and the codeine keeps putting us to sleep. Fucking dreams though. How can anymore escape anxiety when it fills up so much time during sleep?

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