NSPCC Emails October 2012

Gona try put in order a bit.. taking some names out.. Yew Tree to emails to follow.. Left in some put not all of legal signatures.

From: "help@nspcc.org.uk" <help@nspcc.org.uk>
To: *
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: jimmy saville

Dear *

Ref 10060233

Thank you for your e mail which we received today, 9/10/12.

The information you gave will be referred to the police who are dealing with all the allegations regarding Jimmy Savile.

  Please  be aware  that the NSPCC has a duty to share all relevant information including any details you have provided about yourself.  However, the service does operate a strict confidentiality policy and it will be requested that your details are not disclosed.
Children’s Services Practitioner.

Thank you for taking the time to contact the NSPCC with your concerns. I hope you have found contacting the Helpline useful.
The NSPCC values service feedback and if you have any comments the NSPCC would be happy to hear them. Please send any comments by return email.

On 09/10/12 19:00, * wrote:

I am a survivor of ritualistic and organised abuse who remembers meeting Jimmy Saville as a child.  I was led into a room where Jimmy Saville was sitting in a chair while other men stood around him.  He was in a tracksuit, holding a cigar as he was often pictured.  I was told to sit on his lap and talk about my dad who was also an abuser.  I was very young around 3/4 (early 80's)I think and was taken to see him various times over the years for sexual assault and rape at the BBC building and other places.  I would be filled with terror and disgust everytime I saw him on TV but often did not know why.  It was a practice that was repeated with others.  I would be told before hand what to say then taken into a room where someone sat in a chair with men in suits around them.  I am unsure about going to the police because my memories are so vague, I had many differnet dissociated states and multiple personalities growing up but also because the cults I was vicitimsed by often included members of the police and other authority figures.

I was also abused by other TV and radio personalities, sometimes over decades.  I was going to wait to see my therapist to talk about this but because the schools have broken off for the holidays and I am a single mother I will not be able to see her for another 2 weeks.  I have access to legal support and am considering discussing this matter with them.

Kind regards,


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National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH.
Incorporated by Royal Charter. Registered charity number 216401.
Registered Scottish Charity Number SC037717

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This email and any documents sent with it are intended solely for the named recipient and may be legally privileged and/or confidential. If you have received this email in error please destroy it and contact the sender, via our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 7825 2500, or via return email. You should not copy, or use the contents, attachments or information in any way or pass them to a third party without prior permission from the author. Any unauthorised use or disclosure may be unlawful. The NSPCC cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this email after it is sent from the originator over the internet and accepts no responsibility for changes made after it was sent.  Any opinion expressed in this email is personal to the author and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Society.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH.
Incorporated by Royal Charter. Registered charity number 216401.
Registered Scottish Charity Number SC037717

Please read important notice below:

This email and any documents sent with it are intended solely for the named recipient and may be legally privileged and/or confidential. If you have received this email in error please destroy it and contact the sender, via our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 7825 2500, or via return email. You should not copy, or use the contents, attachments or information in any way or pass them to a third party without prior permission from the author. Any unauthorised use or disclosure may be unlawful. The NSPCC cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this email after it is sent from the originator over the internet and accepts no responsibility for changes made after it was sent.  Any opinion expressed in this email is personal to the author and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Society.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH.
Incorporated by Royal Charter. Registered charity number 216401.
Registered Scottish Charity Number SC037717

On 11/10/12 17:42, Julia Stuart wrote:
Thank you for forwarding my email.

The media coverage is bringing lots of flashblacks.  Espically the description of him forcing is tongue down girls throats.  He did this many times to me and I saw him do it to other girls.  I think I was about 2 when he first did it when I lived in *, Scotland.  I remember a group of men he was with laughing about it.  Jimmy Savile was the leader of one of the sex cults my family was involved in.  I believe the last time I was raped by him was in flat in Aberdeen in 2001 when I was 22, although it may have been in Glasgow in 2005.  He took me to his rooms in Stoke Mandavile, hotels, parties and would introduce me to other adults who would have sex and/or torture me.  Although I was never in care I was taken to Jersey for parties and rituals.  I have discussed the abuse with a family protection officer in Fife in 2004 in the presence of East Fife Women's Aid and in 2010 with Tayside police (Shoughna McMann?) sometimes in the presence of Dundee Women's Aid.

My name is * and I currently live in Dundee but was previously known as * until 2004.

From: "help@nspcc.org.uk" <help@nspcc.org.uk>
To: *
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: Re: jimmy saville

NSPCC Reference 10060233
Dear *,
Many thanks for your additional email which was received by the NSPCC.
This additional information will be shared with the relevant authorities to assist in the investigations currently taking place.
You have mentioned your father also being a part of this abuse and that your family was involved with the sex cults. This information is concerning and it would be useful to know if your father is still alive and if he still has contact with children. The behaviour you have described is not appropriate and it would be advised for these concerns to be shared further. if possible, we would request your father's details and his involvement with these incidents you have described. You can send this information via a reply email or alternatively by speaking to an advisor on 0808 800 5000.
Please contact the NSPCC if we can be of any further assistance to you in this matter.
With Regards,
CWoodhouse. NSPCC

 On 12/10/12 15:37, Julia Stuart wrote:
NSPCC Reference 10060233

Thanks for getting back to me.  I can tell you my father's name is * (*address*) and does have access to children but is no longer involved in cults or incest and would like to stress that whole families were involved not just men.  I am slightly wary of providing much detail at the moment, I have discussed the family histor, ritual abuse and curroption on several occasions in Aberdeen, Dundee, Fife and to other forces and it has not gotten any futher.  When I made an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensations Authority they could find no record of me ever contacting police in Fife or Aberdeen.  I have also given lots of information to and in the presence of Women's Aid workers when I stayed in refuge in St Andrews and in Dundee but do not know what, if anything was done with that information.  I discussed Jimmy Saville with Tayside police and I think also mentioned him to Dundee Child Protection Social Worker * in 2010.  It has only been within the last few months that I have found a good therapist and psychologist who are able to give me proper diagnosises and treatment and although I want to provide as much information as possible the abuse was very severe over many years, involving many people and it may take some time.  Due to past experiences I am also very wary of the police but would like to make some sort of formal complaint about Savile.

Kind Regards,
From: <help@nspcc.org.uk>
Date: 12 October 2012 17:08:12 BST
To: *
Subject: Re: Re: Re: jimmy saville

Dear *

Ref 10060233

Thank you for your e mail which we received today, 12/10/12.

The information you gave will be referred to the police who are dealing with all the allegations regarding Jimmy Savile.

 Please be aware that the NSPCC has a duty to share all relevant information including any details you have provided about yourself.  However, the service does operate a strict confidentiality policy and it will be requested that your details are not disclosed.
Children’s Services Practitioner.

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