Returned to an epic we haven't been in for a while last night but its a long runner. Big well organised high tech well armed and resourced versus people who know what's been happening, what's planned and how there isn't much time or opportunity before all hope, all life is lost. Not as much an armed planned resistance group by now, so much was lost over and over in epic nightmares long ago. Its a scary film we have to watch but it will end, its real events we are witnessing knowing the disasters and atrocities are going to happen but completely powerless to do anything about, the bad systems have to complete a hold on us. Today's early morning return to was mostly set in an debris, corpse and rat filled tunnel, a small group of survivors not together by choice. There was a baby that was starving, we knew they were closing in on us.

There was automated trains to that ran from the tunnel to the outside but the train didn't stop and no where was safe anyway. We cant remember the end of it we managing to pull ourself out of it but the cold, the wet, the hunger, the terror, crushing oppression and the total hopelessness hangs around. There was bodies wrapped in plastic before we woke up, some of them moving, talking reminded us that might have been a way we actually got some people out of somewhere we were trapped with others some time when we were a kid. Someone said the only out was being dragged out wrapped in plastic and we figured out, planned and communicated with others on the outside, got some people to practice being limp and lifeless. A women and some children I think, the littlest, the ones needed out the most where the biggest worry. Some came forward with some pills they had stashed, not someone who normally offered anyone any help. The mother agreed, she was so relieved when we told her about the pills I wasn't sure she would go for it. She thanked the guy. We had never seen any emotion in him before never mind tears, we watched them together wondering what if any past they had together. We used the pills to just relax some of the kids but the littlest we had to knock out. We knew what was out there wasn't anyone paying much attention, they were made and kept dumb and stupid with very little communication between them so it was worth a shot and it worked they made it out but. I think most of all of them were killed elsewhere not long after the escape from wherever they were.

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