Stoopid old tech

Keep getting lots of energy or some energy in the wee hours. Dude alarm went of stupid early so we just stayed awake. Maybe try and break the nocturnal cycle. Feeling weird and its a relief, like something is happening somewhere that will help us. Done well this morning, put washing on, took down more decorations. Just the tree and a garland in the living room to take down now, ordered prescriptions from docs, sent a jokey pointless but deadly serious text about weed. We have been hiding in games on our tablet and feeling so lost whenever battery runs out.

Goddam stupid tablet. Love the much bigger screen for games though. We were saying our bio dad is slave stock and not from round her and ze is fucking wonderful and amazing and we love them very much.  Mummy Daddy is harder to think about because he was close to our mum and they have hounded and hurt and controlled him like they do us all. There a sense of beautiful care though and huge ongoing loss.

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