hghly unlikely

There's no way any of that was real. I can remember giving one of that little gang a kicking out side the house in rotty and I think I remember the one I was supposed to have had a thing with standing with them in a show of 'see I hate you for your DNA to because someone who doesn't give a fuck about anyone said it would be materially beneficial to me' but when the streets are full of people intent on doing me and junior more serious harm is not when we get effected by tricks pulled to make us think we have had relationships that we haven't. Clearly or we would be dead or worse long ago.

Been think about the afore mentioned again. All the efforts there has been over the years to get us to say where he is and how they can get to him. Thinking if they tortured me enough he would show up, that's an obvious ploy and one we thought of when we sent him away. They don't believe it when we say we don't know, that we can't just summon information on request, that if it appeared we did in the past it either wasn't us or we were bullshitting and that he might be long dead. We said so many times so many different creeds and colours of scum that the more they hurt us the more irretrievable the facts become and will remained so. It gave us Pablo though. Think some of the Scottish women offered us a termination if we told, ''What in an actual hospital? Without any abuse or torture? I don't think your in a position to guarantee that.'' She gave a frustrated sign and looked away. Yuck. Not sure if that was one of the one's that is dead now. I hope so.

Stupid brain been watching U.S too much and had us doing the, where does he get the money from to bride people? Deutche Bank apparently but where to they get the money from and why would they give to that lot where they are clearly really shit with it? We don't get words as an answer but we get an emotional response, a sinking, a freezing, disgust, horror, fury and flashes of our mother.

 There's been times recently when I think We saw her face.

We should maybe stop watching so much. It is getting better but we are still easily out of breath and exhausted so doing more would help but its hard not to do more without getting so exhausted we can't do anything. Waiting for update for hidden object game

 desperately waiting. Remembering how he searched our eyes to see if it was safe as we sat in the swirly arm chair underneath the window where I would play with the threads and touch coldness of the exposed metal button where the fabric had worn away during so many long phonecalls in Torry. Afterwards he said what we needed to here so perfectly we couldn't believe he was real. And Louise, he asked about things Louise had said before she was killed.

It's after midnight maybe the update is in.

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