Yep We were right definitly should not of read that

It was a piece in one of the online new sites about anti Semitism, specifically ''blood libel'' and Jews being blamed for missing and murdered kids. It's not the first time we have heard about it and it brings back smaller brain realisations and anger about peoples being accused of things that they were close or sometimes exactly things done to them. Not that we believe that all anti-Semitic communities have ritual abuse at their heart but it's not that we can feel any surety that this hasn't been the case either as we don't have much experience of communities and societies that haven't had internal, mythologised and central practices of rape, murder and enslavement while assuming rational civility outwardly. Gaslighting as social norm, a major industry and export of the West.

We got the abusers history that said they were and are behind all human culture everywhere, social and technological progress and the outward public history which denies the existence of the people and practices that gave me the first stuff we mentioned so both are majorly clearly majorly flawed. There's our mother's stuff to of course and that confirmed some aspects of both but we can't remember specifics because the parts with the first hand experience are too isolated, lonely and terrorised. All we say is 'hug'.

We are over the worst of physical symptoms of the current horrible virus, not being hit with bouts of fever as often but still just wanting to cry and cry a lot and wish so much someone would bring us soup that hadn't come out of a tin and help us with the housework. Junior was sent to shop twice today, so much of a relief that he can do that it makes us want to cry, not something We would want to make a habit of but we did get him to get us pee pads today, soggy, stinky pants and jammies do not make us feel any better. Had an appetite a little bit without having taken codeine about an hour before and managed to hang the macramé at our bedroom window, wash and dry school uniform and made a tiny start on his room so didn't spend all of it chuckling at 'Good News', finding hidden objects, shivering, sweating, sobbing and marveling at the genius of Virginia Woolf. Not into 'The Years' as much as we were the other ones we have read recently but its not finished yet. Glad there is quite a few we haven't read at all yet but may need a break from all the English middle classness, all that exposure to social and material loveliness can get upsetting even if it is through Woolf's humanity and wit.

We will soon have got rid of stuff we don't need, put up new prints, be showering regularly again, gotten a bit more organised and feel very chuffed at our hippyfantastic décor and a present without immediate horror. We have wanted a plant in a nice colourful pot, in a funky macramé hanger at that window since we were shown round and now we have exactly that, We will show you soon. Damn shame we keep missing the window cleaners.

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