Did indeed get some work done today, a rosemary to replace the one we keep ruining by moving was tucked into the side by the stump and there was some nasty roots so it wasn't easy. Not as crappy as lifting turf for the final bed there though. Fucking turf. Worst thing is some of that grass we wrestled with today has grown from seed we fucking threw and probably watered as well. Buddleia is in now a long with some of the salvia and a couple of fox gloves that hopefully are not too small to get going. Think tomorrow we will focus more on plucking blades of grass out from among the pansies and the lobelia. Maybe put some mini sunflowers in the ground.

School phoned today, it has been discussed that they might. It's the same old story though, how does phoning someone up and telling someone their kid is worried about their health help with stress levels? We said he could do with more ASD support, especially since We are not fit to chase it up and said the truth that there is ups and downs and had been down but were less so now. There is concern we have no family or friends. He is going to get someone else to call us every few weeks. We didn't feel ill or weep or shake afterwards so that's good.

Drank wine and had pasta bacon courgettes very delicious. Tired now. 

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