
 Moved around enough and even worked out the weights a little that we slept easily and deeply enough and feel it today, the sleep and the exercise. Really quite achey but very glad to have worked through the heart rate and the worst of the crushing medically concerning anxiety.  School shirts for the last week of the term before what I believe is an extended for royal reasons mid term holiday. Yes it's that time in the school term folks where anything to do with school system past present or future has us in full on mortal terror and chuck in monarchy related bank holidays and its remarkable we can persuade ourself to eat and keep any thing down at all. Even is We had access to all cannabis in the world. Do have access to some though and our stomach lining and I are especially and mortally grateful for that

Tea, toast, bananas, cold meat in the fridge for tidy protein nibbles, eggs. Little and often. Manage the anxiety don't fight it. Full fridge, stocked cupboards, superstrong amazing child, relaxation apps, Guinness, wine and sunshine and billie holliday on the steps in the evening.

Breath In.

Breath Out.

Here is some pictures of Our garden. Not doing much else today.  Watering a bit more hopefully it is getting will into seriously rewarding now. The buddleia is healthy and watered she can wait a day or two. It is genuinely quite a thought making something nice out of the area next to the steps. I don't think it's just the physically labor that makes Us more inclined to put off dealing with it. Will be a huge relief and absolutely worth toasting from the top of the stairs and the other end of the garden. Fuck yeah.

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