Still Tuturro

 We're not eating nothing. Sent Junior out with the last few quid to get milk and spend the rest on himself without properly telling him to buy food so he bought sweeties and pringles. Predictable. Tuesday We get the 20 on Tuesday the usual on Friday and maybe the cash back from the electric before then. It's on its way anyway. We are defrosting chicken but are not confident We will be able to deal.

Thinking a lot about the Stratheden hospital marriage quite an impressive turning of a negative into a positive. Our anniversary must be just passed or coming up right? 6.. The hand pain from all that signing and all that fighting. We're not fully going there remembering the last last time you had to leave us and we had to let you go without us. Months. For real.

Couldn't not cut the grass and do a little weeding I know We're not taking on enough calories to be burning much but it looks so cute We couldn't not. Dude's been complaining about mild cold symptoms and he always get's especially cuddly when he has mild cold symptoms and what can I do? Refuse to hug him? There isn't enough space for it to matter anyway..

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