Weightiest Wait

 Seriously tho. Je suis. That poor plant. What she could be!

Junior talked about Animal Farm because he's doin it at school and how he would prefer it if We never drank booze. We are not in a place to enjoy either conversation. He also talked about what to do if there was infinite money for a day, that was more fun. Especially the garden with a huge dragon statue with an open mouth so it looked like it was swallowing the sun. 

High June anxiety. Memories clearing up. We keep seeing someone injecting our feet, its one of those started when foot was really tiny then kept happening now and again over the years. Total terror accompanying it. It's over now yeah? This is a normally at this time of year this thing would happen and often it didn't exactly go down like that but it's always mortal danger, drugged, gun fire, gore, triggered, boats, airplane, uniforms, car chase carnage followed by definite shock and exhaustion and possible injury while back in Blighty surrounded and fighting of the Brits in every area of life and non life. But not over enough though clearly as we're not out. Going through all sorts on the origins of Junior and Petey. Ridiculous cult shit about 'crossed streams' meaning DNA, bloodlines. Fascist second coming. 

How soon can we leave?

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