It didn't work.

We read a bit, wrote a bit. Then avoided sleep for hours and hours. Amazon always good for avoiding sleep espically when you know you have issues with impulsiveness and indecisiveness. Finally ordered clothes for junior that will hopefully fit him. He cares about clothes even less than We do (going to start with We meaning me us, we deserve a capital) so even on the couple of occasions We dragged him into a clothes shop he wasn't much help. So today we have been sleeping, feeling shitty, eating and bugger all else. Going to give it a better go tonight and not find excuses during the window of sleepiness. Think it was the writing that partly stirred us up, the exact opposite of what we intended.

Yep. Too tired for fear of nightmares.

But then bladder got us up and now we are very small and very upset and very  alone even though we have  been remembering  being helped in the  past. We keep the feelings of people saving us or phoning as long as we can but they always fade when its been to long and there's just no signs of anyone loving us and helping us that isn't us.

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