Going Native
'Here's your energy bars. You confident your can work everything?' It was hard not to love them for it sometimes. Being dropped like that. What kid doesn't hate everything and everyone about them so much sometimes that they feel they would do anything to be somewhere, anywhere else. 'I hate it here' and two days later and you wake up in a chopper and your not tied and gagged. The few people there smile and nod. Call you by an affectionate nickname. Generally a pretty keen student in anything survival related I give a enthusiastic nod which causes a bit of over eye coverage as the 'you'll grow into it' head shield, quickly pushed back into place. 'Okay then.' 'I'll see back at X in Y days/weeks'. I got very good and very conscious when I was older at only remembering relevant info relating to safe places to find food, sleep, speak to people. The actual instructions I held in a way I could repeat but didn't know u...