Sirs you have not be put here for the reasons they told you it's the opposite

Well proud or our work today. We managed to get three rolls of the wicker edging down. We decided we would intentionally make the line down the path wiggly but its maybe a bit more unevenly wavy than we want. Don't know though, might just leave it. Put the yellow and black pansy and the purple stock in the path border as well as some poor night scented seedlings that have gone through a lot all ready what with being far to many of them, then dropping the tray they were in then putting them in a planter we couldn't properly fill.. There is considerably less now. Hope some of them make it. Bloody cats. We also literally chucked a packet of Nigella around as well (thats fancy corn flowers) the packet said to seed in place!

If there is enough money in the bank there will be baby Livingston Daisy coming soon. They are ordered..We remember the flea stuff for the cats to! Hope it comes of first.

There should be just enough edging left for the bottom buddleia. They are both looking really good and growing really well. One of them wilts every now and again but when we water it it comes back straight away. They have different greens foliage and not just down to different conditions either cause they are both looking so well. Cool though. They other one thats up near the top is slowly doing better it was the worst when it came out the box, the pot was just nothing but roots so we try and remember and give it lots of little drinks. It is growing. We didn't help it by burning it with food but it seems to be recovering from that to..

The first purple flower on the viola is great and the rest shouldn't be to far behind. We are at that really really chuffed stage with it. It's still May so the novelty of colour and smells is a long way from wearing off. We have made so much difference out there. Dude said it was like a garden from a mansion. That was cool.

Got some browning in today to. Thank fuck for good weather days so we have something else to do and a different lovely space to be in. Physical work to do that makes a pleasing difference to take out mind of May and her government who are protecting networks of child abusers and killers that are and have been offending for decades but now she is putting troops on streets to protect kids? It is the cynicalist and nastiest of bs and is triggering all sorts with us in terms of Manchester abuse rings (mostly white) and finally be able to explain British terrorism and its connections to R.A to the Europeans before leaving Dundee but in utterly extreme circumstances.  They were and are not amused. Explaining the history of British R.A in Russia to Russians that are seriously not supposed to know. Similarly, not amused people.

And of course the bairns.

Being outside the Dolly Parton concert and realising whether we could be arsed with any of this or not we looked at those armed bairns, felt the terror in the folks and knew we had to do something. When Europeans were begging us for safe British military or any other kind of safe British contacts they were all we could come up with. They were around last year. We were quite pleasantry surprised, one of our sisters who had much less immediate personal issues horrendous experiences with British authorities and had done a really good job with them. Seriously. They were amazing and it creeped us out a bit.. We trust her though and also don't trust ourself with assessing Brits when we know we are going nowhere short term.

Anyway. Goods things. Growing colour, making pretty, digging earth, drinking Guinness and smoking weed in the sun. Have a good feeling about tomorrows weather..

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