
So pretty much a rerun of the Savile inquires, except longer and a bit more effort put into looking like there was due process occurring to make it look like the conclusions were not already written up before the investigations began. Republican finds populist republican president innocent because thats what is best for conserving the anti humanitarian status quo and their privilege positions within that status quo. We  havent been doing much reading off it and we know Barr will not be releasing the whole thing if he can help it but saying the farts are not criminals is a lot like the “no formal rings” thing, so much effort must of gone into ignoring, avoiding and creating convulted reinterpretions of plain and basic facts.

Good luck to the Dems though. And for fucks sake, be brave.

We shitty mood anyway. Pain, supportless, horrible awful humanoid infested planet. Cant be the parent we want to be feel so guilty and so angry about that. Usual. How the fuck did we survive all the abuse, enslavement, shittiness and attempts on our life? This is new era now, wish we could feel it and be able to celebrate. Dreams keep too much traumas fresh and we know we arnt processing much. Gotta have more confidence to in our brain and body. Its difficult though when we just wanna be a person but it will never be allowed by all the nonpeople and that is so fucking sad.

Thought of Mullers face when we smashed the shells of eggs we boiled  against the sink drainer. Keeping an open mind about people who see the world as it is and want to put all their effort and resources into stopping it from getting better for anyone else is so fucking stupid. But who the fuck wants to admit that decent humans don’t get real power but thieves, slaughterers, rapists and those that tolerate and justify the worst a person can do are encouraged to do whatever their sick little tribes choose is an awful place to live.

Dreamed about growing flowers in a horrible persons garden, seeing the bones of two children in a blocked off area in a police station but then they were alive and good, they had been made to stay curled up in the dark in a hiding spot when not being used but had survived and came out on their own after we opened the door and hatch. Still dream of trying to score cannabis, didnt get any. Been wondering about getting a wardrobe, tenting of a corner in our room but there is no space and no money, we need it so much though, its so hard not to cry when we see it on tv. No matter how the dreams end though we almost always feel the worst of them hanging over us, pulling us down all day,  resetting any progress we make.

Got seeds germinating indoors. Pretty flowers. Not beautiful stinky sticky quality of life giving flowers, just pleasing if we are not do down pretty ones. 

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