Fortunate One

Ug reader. We don't feel quite so alone suppose. We've a few brothers and sisters that have survived the surface but that's about it. We keep thinking about the standard mason approved cross section of Earth pointing at in in front of a bunch of somebodies and calling it as empirical as flat earth theory. They were all cheered so they were most likely bots and someone pressed the "cheer now" button and are currently teaching fictional propaganda "science" to those of privileged castes deemed stupid or broken enough to live.

Some others far far away a long long time ago got tricked by Satanists into building this planet and it almost cost them everything except they still had enough sense left to destroy the unconscious flesh bots before everything was lost. It has been a privilege to help them heal and rebuild and show them the amazing work being done everywhere but planet dumbfuck. We believe they are and will help me here because they are good people and everyone everywhere would love to visit Terra but can't because of all the slavery, experimentation, genocide and torture.

Been thinking about how much of the West and the rest was lined up in front of tv screens waiting for Mensch and Murdoch to hold me and Mia's severed heads and declare a new Satanic international age and successful completion of genocide against the Semites and anyone else who with genuine humanitarian values.

However and whatever formed this planet there is one thing we are certain of and that is that Britain has been enslaving and murdering Jews and native living thinking feeling populations for longer than the pseudo science says the planet has existed..

Someone told us once that any Jew who went to live in Israel was already gone because it was obvious that GB was not going to give them a safe place it was always going to be the opposite. The deals are ongoing between Israel, Britain, America, Canada, France, Germany and others of torture and oppression techniques, cash, influence, lies and children always the selling, swapping, torture and killing of children and anyone who resists..

To face what America is though, what they did to my father and his land too.. These institutions can not continue. We thought early do about how it would bother us more to squish a blue bottle than it would to kill large amounts of the "human" population here because we can sense more life in a blue bottle or any fly than can in most people. It is ridiculously hard, impossible even to predict how a fly will fly or where it will land unlike the sanitized who are literally living scripts that are well known and shared so there moves, their words can be exactly predicted and times and that is not something that is alive..

We are barely getting out of bed. We did watch Monster v Aliens with pabs though, there is a lot we like about that film its just a shame that there has to be a certain amount of sexism and racism and lots of stereotyping or nothing gets past the censors.

We are probs gonna have to give in and phone Niall this week, please help someone anyone so we don't have to or don't have to alone. We can't cook much and have ordered weed we can't afford to try and take the edge of a burning desire to feel machine reverb and the constant terrifying isolation of course as well.

I wish our parents could of made it, we were given much more than Mia was from far far away and were told flatly that we do not have a mother, our mother was a breeder and she did not survive very few do and never to trust anyone would said they were our mother. We saw her work in some of the programming that helped us when we first were put in Skene, she was amazing of course before the breeding and the ops. You wont know if you have family until the main work is done and we are swinging between on their way and doing everything they can to all dead/worse never existed minute by minute and it is horrible.

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