No hot water for the dirty Jewish whore and the bastard son if they wont submit to the cut
The tosser than never fixes anything came round and fixed it enough so the heating is back on tho and pissed about with the downstairs toilet and said it was fixed again so it will keep filling and not stop again the next time its flushed. Same problems Margo had with this place when she had the lease like six or seven years ago and Laura of course had to. Same shitty shit over and over again.
Rosa Netanyahu we signed. The pigs were not happy. He's my mother who was slaughtered in Skene for being Jewish and female and intelligent's (can't remember how many generations it goes back but this is GB so probably hundreds) brother apparently and when we lost our American Dad (I hate that we can't remember what my Dad's people called their home) he turned up and said he would adopt me. What ridiculous huh? We got to talk to him when the Slaver powers that be needed something out of it. Everyday though he is choosing to keep me here. We could see where it was heading years ago it reeks soo badly. Most of the time we were only allowed to speak if we did so through other people, this gave the half arsed excuse that people give when they say they thought it was Mia who they liked to cut and drink the blood of.. (?!) For our own self respect and survival though we had to say to him that if he leaves at the center of the antisemitic world during a massive antisemitic feast in 2017 when the mechanical programming is down forever we wont be able to forgive it and that will have consequences we can't explain as a slave who is being watched and listened to constantly.
They are no doubt still deleting any intelligence he gets about how horrific America is and how "American Jews" can easily be triggered into calling for the death of all Jews in Hebrew and most are used for genocide and oppression ops. "Oh no way we could walk about in America wearing a Star of David Idina it's as bad as it is over here and if we have a child with us it will be worse and the younger the child the worse it will be." She acted all mock shock and started saying it wasn't true and was just programming.. Ace when the feds called about Rachael kicking seven shades of shit out of her when she spotted the disgusting extent of the theft.
Thats all years ago and there isn't any signs of life in America if we are not able to breathe it into them. It's such a shame. Could of been so cool but the genocide is pretty much complete these days and the hegemony clutched so tightly we can't see Israeli's standing up to American's anymore than we could see American's standing up to the Brits. We have been down and had a look around Earth when no thought we were here and oh my goodness it didn't half simplify things for us.
You stick with Stockholm syndrome and your partners that laugh at how they control you and turn you against your own Dad we are waiting for our furry abortionist from far far away, he feels sick at us being left here in October with no plans to get off the anti Semitic program and cares about my mind and my power the fact I am worked and never paid as well as my reproduction which he thinks should always be my choice and that we shouldn't be kept somewhere where we can't have children anymore than we should be bred.
Good luck with the war uncle.
Rosa Netanyahu we signed. The pigs were not happy. He's my mother who was slaughtered in Skene for being Jewish and female and intelligent's (can't remember how many generations it goes back but this is GB so probably hundreds) brother apparently and when we lost our American Dad (I hate that we can't remember what my Dad's people called their home) he turned up and said he would adopt me. What ridiculous huh? We got to talk to him when the Slaver powers that be needed something out of it. Everyday though he is choosing to keep me here. We could see where it was heading years ago it reeks soo badly. Most of the time we were only allowed to speak if we did so through other people, this gave the half arsed excuse that people give when they say they thought it was Mia who they liked to cut and drink the blood of.. (?!) For our own self respect and survival though we had to say to him that if he leaves at the center of the antisemitic world during a massive antisemitic feast in 2017 when the mechanical programming is down forever we wont be able to forgive it and that will have consequences we can't explain as a slave who is being watched and listened to constantly.
They are no doubt still deleting any intelligence he gets about how horrific America is and how "American Jews" can easily be triggered into calling for the death of all Jews in Hebrew and most are used for genocide and oppression ops. "Oh no way we could walk about in America wearing a Star of David Idina it's as bad as it is over here and if we have a child with us it will be worse and the younger the child the worse it will be." She acted all mock shock and started saying it wasn't true and was just programming.. Ace when the feds called about Rachael kicking seven shades of shit out of her when she spotted the disgusting extent of the theft.
Thats all years ago and there isn't any signs of life in America if we are not able to breathe it into them. It's such a shame. Could of been so cool but the genocide is pretty much complete these days and the hegemony clutched so tightly we can't see Israeli's standing up to American's anymore than we could see American's standing up to the Brits. We have been down and had a look around Earth when no thought we were here and oh my goodness it didn't half simplify things for us.
You stick with Stockholm syndrome and your partners that laugh at how they control you and turn you against your own Dad we are waiting for our furry abortionist from far far away, he feels sick at us being left here in October with no plans to get off the anti Semitic program and cares about my mind and my power the fact I am worked and never paid as well as my reproduction which he thinks should always be my choice and that we shouldn't be kept somewhere where we can't have children anymore than we should be bred.
Good luck with the war uncle.