She came round with a lay on talk about her coming over for a cuppa and helping me clean. Says the lass we blocked for texting us abuse days after we refused to let her come round says hi, no apology for the nasty as fuck texts or anything just "hi" and lots of talk from my supplier about how the other lass is changing. We don't want to be friends with the other lass again and we don't want supplier to help clean the house and we don't want her advice on managing mental health or chronic pain. She had invited us over to hers and we said sure, maybe but the idea filled us with terror and she never texted to push the point so that was fine. I hate the being talked to almost like I am like everyone else we have asked people to analyse it in the past, preferably someone who knew bugger all to say yes everyone does treat and talk to us differently and it's obvious and measurable. We let him on the how people talk about us when we are not there, gave a shit tonne a drugs, sent him off and haven't seen him since. Good luck to you green white dude..

Limited hope of course, "male privilege within Satanic societies is as effective at destroying any natural resistance to oppression and brutality in boys and men as the intentional physical damage done to developing female brains does to women and girls." .. or something better worded and with examples and references and several billion primary sources.

People who have helped us clean this house, "Margo", "Shona", "Bertie", "Stephen/Stef", "Niall"...


Both the lasses have and are contributing to us having a head stuck in 90s captivity and extreme slavery..

Niall put 50 squids in the bank and sent a text sending love and not to worry about asking for more because he has lots..


Really quite peeved and I know we were bloody told before setting foot anywhere or being tortured by anything that the mission was not to save Earth's humanity. Over ground, under ground, and the past majority of anything that had left there in the past few million years (these bastards don't have the squeamishness over numbers that we have. They gave us all the eye watering precise fucking numbers and made sure we understood them it was the only time if we have wondered if they were Satanic to, they definitely arn't) were fubared proper.

It's us though and we knew there was so much laid down for us already with both good and bad intentions, good and bad consequences that we would have to think bigger, believe harder and fighter stronger than anyone or anything had before or we would never even be able find ourself amongst all the protection, suppression, manipulation, etc.. so we fucking believed it was possible.. Kinda had to put the biology aside in order to do which was an obvious sign that this for us not because we thought it would work. They warned us against it but what when they saw how every loss on Earth translated to many many wins else where because of everything we had learned, we knew the worst intimately and it wasn't never elsewhere it's always been here.

October Sunday the 15th 2017. Everything we said would be done in order to make education, healing and humanitarianism on Earth possible has been completed well within the given time frame. I still have no recognised identity by any authority on Earth and no one has been charged with any crime against me despite vast amounts of evidence. I still have not received due payments for work carried out on contract by Earth authorities, individuals or collectives. I am still forced to live in conditions and a location that are harmful to me and my child. I still have no contact with any of my other children or living family members or representatives of any kind. This means it is most likely we have no living family members or representatives on Earth. Earth's institutions and culture is still centered on slavery and division despite numerous opportunities to reform and all the resources required to do so readily available.

Over to you dear reader.

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