
Definitely at the "fuck this and fuck everything else" stage of nicotine withdrawal. Been keeping ourself distracted as best we could, with the garden, the odd walk, repeatedly dying during the dlc and the even tougher difficulty level that unlocks after completing Resident Evil.

Was an email telling me to log into my universal account, always makes us queasy, bad news? Just letting us know they received the request for mandatory reconsideration? Nope same message we have seen several times saying universal credit "effects" i.e stops lots of other benefits. It's kind of aggravated us as things do, like seeing Assanage even if he is being arrested, hearing Barr continue the Republican habit of pissing all over the rule and the spirit of the law. He's attorney fucking general Nance you need to start doing your jobs and start the impeachment process, stop tolerating this lunacy. People matter. The truth matters. Party politics - not so much.

The whole not wanting to stand up for democracy in case it antagonises the violent right pisses me off. To hand them power like that, to allow them to manipulate democratic processes and then stand back hand wringing when they predictably annihilate those processes and institutions.. Can't imagine what it must feel like to be and to have grown up reasonably safe and comfortable must make a world that is extremely different from the one we are in.

Yep as much as Maddow helps we are not in a place where watching will undo the damage done to us by seeing and hearing the New Fascist World Order. Knowing we did everything we could to stop this, knowing our friends, our family died in great numbers and in great pain trying to stop this from happening just to be ignored because we are inconvenient. 

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