Today in triggering physical pains we are unlikely to get any NHS help with..

Our right hip..

We were coming round. Arranging our mind to keep the events that put us where we were buried but not unreachable. There had been a physical exam and we had figured out that we were in some kind of medical facility and had heard some of what had been said between the staff as they had examined us. There had been a unfunny joke and assumptions between them and it had bothered us but didn't make us feel in danger which was a relied because we didn't feel we were in a position to do anything about it if we where. We weren't where we had been and that was a definite plus and we weren't back in the UK and knew that by the fact we were coming round in a medical facility and had received some care. Also we couldn't of been in an NHS hospital because we did not feel sheer mortal terror and know that every second we were there was a second closer to death or worse.

We are presuming it was in the states somewhere but maybe Canada or Australia somewhere English speaking and quite white but entirely or predominantly so. We had been hoping that the issue with our hip would of been noticed and treated before we came round any further but that obviously wasn't going to happen. We going to have to open our eyes and say something as soon as possible. It was crazy pain. We had something in our system that was helping but we still definitely in crazy pain.

Don't think it was too long after we open our eyes that someone noticed we were awake that someone noticed and asked how we were doing and if we had a name.

"Jane Dowe?"  We half asked have stated. And tried to smile and got a friendly kind of frown in return. They were going so say something else but we stopped them saying we were sorry but we didn't know and I think they could see we were being genuine. When that was accepted we asked if their was anyone around who deals with joints, dislocations and who had a minute or two and pulled back the blanket and the hospital gown to expose our right leg. We kinda of relieved to see it wasn't looking right and our foot was starting to go a weird colour. So when we said our hip was causing a lot of pain it was believed and we weren't met with cold disbelieving looks.

It didn't take too long for the joint person to be found. When we saw them we remembered it would probably be wise for us to be held or restrained in some way so we didn't lash out because of relocation pains. Can't remember how we worded it think we said something about having experienced some abuse/trauma and having issues with dissociation because of it and where worried about attacking the staff over something we needed and had asked them to do.

It was the first person who talked to us that put their arms round us and held our arms tightly against our body. They were big. We remember that. We yelped a bit when it went in and quaked a bit after but no one was punched or anything. We lay back on the pillows feeling better and said thank you Sir and something about being very relieved we hadn't attacked anyone because we hated it when we attacked people who were trying to help us.

One of the people who had done the initial exam came in and we knew from his voice it was the one who had said some shit and we brought it up. He looked very shocked, blood draining from his face shocked and stammered an apology based and not knowing we could hear. We frowned at him and said something about him surely knowing that hearing being that last thing to go and the first to come back which is true so we didn't need to say anything about having a brain like a flamingo that can be half asleep and half wake at the same time it would of just sounded really weird and we couldn't remember the name "flamingo" anyway.

He was starting to get his shit together when he froze up again after seeing the look on the first person's face. They were pissed and that fazed us a little to see someone so effected and really angry over someone one failing to care for us and cried a little about it mostly when alone. He must of got major crap for whatever he said and missing the hip and was very respectful and quiet around us from then on.

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