Another non starter of a weekend. Did finish reading smoke and bone though and waded through some more Netflix series. Zone Blanche ended with me gagging for more. Creepy and charming is not often well achieved but this was. Thought her finding the Roman sword so easily was a bit dubious but forgivable. Cant hate themes around environmental protection even with the celtic ritual sacrifice. Once that was devoured we gave a BBC thing a go and got through the first series of Unforgotten unharmed but a bit irritated but had to ditch the second because of children being trafficked to parties with rich people to be abused. Glad to see were strong enough to give something with that black and white BBC rectangle a go without being made much iller. We turned off shaking our head and with a sigh rather than the previous revulsion, fury and terror that made it physically and emotionally unbearable so we would be too dissociated to turn off the BBC continuing to recycle its victims experiences and its existing cover up systems to entertain the nation. We could turn if off and didn't feel like we would be punished for it or that it had destroyed whatever stability we might have been able to muster in the following days and weeks.

Bletchly stuff wasn't shying away from showing how crap essential women workers during the war were treated afterwards as well as the evil and corruption that exists within the high ranks of military and police, wrapped up with happy endings for the main characters, cool, not looking for anything too gritty or realistic, quite happy to see some bad guys getting exposed and caught while the women are safe, happy and together.

Took a while but found the old police man who sees and talks to dead people, detective stuff, neuro non typical behaviour, dead people talking, the same detective woman from the BBC thing but couldn't see any black and white branding or accompanying shitty half arsed dumbed down writing. Quirky humour. Ticking a good few of our boxes.

Also been doing what many people do when they have easy access to windows when they haven't for a while, play solitare. Bloody ads know though. Pfft.

Wondering maybe part of why the pain has been so shitty is because we have been trying to not use as much electricity so no magnesium baths. Worth a go tomorrow. Must, must do at least some house work though. Doing our best to not get too upset at being inside, in stupid pain and upset when its a nice day. There will more better days with less pain and its supposed to rain heavy tomorrow so nothing is going to be to dry for too long.

Napped twice today because we couldn't not after staying up to read and try and avoid pain previous nights. Damn tired still though.

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