Hallelujah. Praise Be.

Found a £1 coin in the washing machine. Together with the change left in my purse and some silver in Pabs jar it added up to £2. We got bagels, noodles and biscuits. Had melted cheese on toast with leftover bread so no going to bed hungry.

Dont know if we would of managed much activity if it wasnt for an appointment at the school. It went fine and we took a slightly longer walk home. Hate how hard it is to motivate ourself after days of being really sore and/or depressed not sure we would of gotten anything at all done if we didn’t have that appointment that we knew would be short and go fine.

A couple of necessary calls done when we got back, as well as another load of washing out and a dry one in. Stroll down to shop and back admiring the greenery, smiling and being smiled back at. Post poo pain levels brought us down hard hard though. Back being amused, charmed and jealous of the Durelles at least its set in the 1930s helps curb the envy though, knowing what happened next.

Knowing the weather forecast for next few days eventually got us to do some plant feeding but I think all the trips up and down the stairs with a watering can has probably contributed to our mood this now. Like the barrier between our consciousness and past horror is as strong and thick as wet paper and we are completely unprepared to cope with the traumas on the other side and can make no sense of them or process them in any way.

Couldn’t find the plant bug killer though. Will probably be best just pulling out the pansy in the pot out the front its so fucking infested with something. Put one of the fairies out to. She looks very at home and that made us feel more at home to.

Its very shit only having one casual distraction game to lean on and no money to make keeping playing possible. Blogging from a phone is rubbish to but better than nothing, dont feel remotely tempted by colouring or reading. Have really gotten into that archeology magazine though, there is still plenty of online articles from back issues to read.

Spag bol tomorrow i think, without wine.. already salivating at the thought of red meat. It could be Monday before we will be tasting vino again praying it goes in early on Friday. Would make for an entirely different weekend. So relieved the desperate money situation is going to ease. Get all emotional when we think about. Still got that crazy electric bill to deal with but direct debits are more possible now.

Almost midnight! That means freebies from the game enough to keep us going for at least three or four whole minutes! Stupid game and its stupid rare fixers.

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