
An actual keyboard, being able to see sentences whole paragraphs even at a time. How wonderful.

Beautiful evening but pain levels at fuck this I hate you all and wish you were dead levels most of the day has us pretty reluctant to attempt walking. Getting annoyed at how much we need to tidy our room but cant/wont. Wont take long, maybe get a bit done tonight and the rest tomorrow. Maybe.

Eon wont let us change supplier probably because we have so much debt with them. Didn't put ourself through menus, bots, queuing, on hold, very unhelpful human, followed by jumping out of our skin when the automated txt asks us how we would rate them. Slow clap Eon for making the lives of anxious and ill people even harder which of course makes it harder for anxious and ill people to pay you.

So glad to have a touch screen and a keyboard and enough memory to have more than one object finding game installed. So far anyway. Stupid windows 10.

Watered the rose today after the need for backy forced us out of our jammy bottoms and into a bra and tshirt. Figured we could try and do something. Keeping everything damp by trotting down up and down the stairs to fill a watering can really sucks and just isn't always possible. Lots of buds on the rose though and some are about to open. Spotting several kinds of aphids though little bastards and have been squishing as many as we find.


Pain still too horrible Just want to cry, kick, scream, break stuff, rip the limbs of horrible people. The longer it continues the more annihilated we feel. Just don't get a chance to build up any stamina, improve our activity levels so our muscles, lungs, our everything gets stronger..

Even the curry for tea hasn't got us feeling like we can do stuff. Smoking a roll up on the back steps staring at the shorts and tshirt on the line that Pablo missed like it they were Everest. He's been really good today, watering, saying lovely things, he offered to cut the chicken so I folded the laundry makes so much difference just getting a little bit of help, him offering or not arguing when asked is so different to having to force him to do stuff.

Don't know if its just a fantasy but been feeling you around a bit. The book we are reading reminding us of the late ninties. Have started gathering materials for a project that should help. Hate that everything takes so long. HH

We fed us. Much more important than the plants. Birds are going nuts and squabbling over the ultimate fat balls we got for them. Quite entertaining. Found a ladybird on the window sill we thought was dead but then it started moving. Put it outside after almost drowning it in sugar water. It was still there when we came in so don't have much hope for it but glad we tried.

Brain is definitely liking having a keyboard, it feels mature, wiser. Need to stay away from Amazon as the DLA went in two days after the UC but was so weepy we couldn't stay away. We needed another tablet bed table to replace the busted one and order dude a cool tshirt. No more though so we don't end up not being able to buy even basic essentials. Things are hard and miserable enough as it is.

Love you.

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