Kept ourself awake all night by trying to sort out our Microsoft accounts after being told we needed permission from an adult before we could spend less than two pound in a game. Made things worse then remembered right password for right log in and its cool now. Except for the multiple versions of our name on the log in screen.  Concentration bad but not so bad that any attempt at resolving issues IT or otherwise leads to instantly feeling overwhelmed, panicy and stuck in a agonising dissociated state. We know which one is the adult so can ignore the rest for now. Might put in a picture so we know for sure which is the right one and can maybe tidy up the rest..  There was too much 'Julia' and we do seemed to have fixed that. It gets annoying not being certain about your name the only thing we are confident about is that our 'legal name' isn't it.

Did some tiding and cleaning. Tomorrow we hope to hoover. At least then we can be in pain somewhere clean and tidy instead of in a mess. Not that there is any chance of things getting as bad as in previous homes because we don't have that much stuff and it was clean and empty when we moved in.

Would love to sleep but when we close our eyes the dread takes over.

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