Can't keep waiting to not be in pain anymore to do stuff. Going to have to make a little more effort without overdoing it espically after big stretches of doing very little. Did well today. Out and about on the hunt for a hairdresser because none seem to answer their phones or are open when we try and phone, got an appointment, also put self and son down on a waiting list for nearby dentists. Wouldn't need to wait if we went a bit further but its the dentist its unpleasant, triggering, painful don't need to be adding long walks or public transport onto that list of horridness. Wondered round antique shop, we do love antique shops, there is a lot of cool little places we wish we got round to using more close by and hopefully we will start to. The CPN was encouraging us to join one of the many groups that go on but don't feel there yet, will try and meet a commitment to ourself  first to go for a wander most days first.

Its not just for the pain levels we want to get stronger for its our weight to, it does bother us when we look in the mirror but something has always bothered us in the mirror even when we are underweight. Health wise and joints wise though we would like to loose a little. Breakfast, lunch, tea instead of packets of biscuits because we love chocolate and they're cheap and we cant face proper food. It started with the chip sticks back in Fife without cannabis and with no idea how we could get out of there, even if we found somewhere how would we manage to do everything that needed done.. Then after the flit it was Christmas filling the heartbreak void with food, then months of skintness, pain, depression five minutes from a bargain store..

It has eventully started to look like summer again. June in north Britain is always miserable.. It would be such a nicer place to live if this wasn't the case. Garden is a bit neglected. Hopefully will do some feeding later but the grass will have to wait until tomorrow. Roses are starting to bloom if we get some good shots will share them here. Been wishing quite a lot that we felt more creative but that doesn't happen much without the essential supplies. Will be great when we get some, we will fall in love with here even more and be even more proud of ourself for getting us here, maybe even hopeful about the future!

Bed table came today its a marvelous thing. Just refilled the hot water bottle after a fried egg and toast. Gave in and took more codeine its just so fucking sore but now we are struggling to keep our eyes open even though the sleepless nights caught up with us and we slept at night. Pablo came through early morning and fell asleep next to us. He doesn't that for a while, it was nice. He's banned from screens again for bullshitting to our face about screen use. He had his tablet back because we have our new toy and promised he wouldn't use it after bedtime. After midnight we noticed an email, 'youtube has been downloaded' damn it boy.. We always end up hanging out more when he's banned and not just when we cant hear whatever we are watching on Netflix because of his dramatic sighing and inquires about how I could like whatever I'm watching from a guy who spends hours watching strangers sit round a table and play D&D.

 Do know we leave him to his own devices way too much but coping is always so difficult even without really bad pain we tend to be somewhere between very vulnerable and sensitive to extremely so and his ASD loud talking about D&D, asking questions relating to books I haven't read or whatever else he is into can be a real struggle and that makes us feel even more guilty and anxious which causes even more stress... Second smoke and bone book is here that is something else we can share and hes totally got the hang of rummy, the only card game I can remember.

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