
There has been a bit of pink sofa action recently to. An perfomance aritist got back in touch, she's been off and on back again. She suggested meeting up some time when she is around I said yes that would be cool. I haven't heard back.

And a newbie. Who said you wasn't suprised I wanted to be a writer because my profile was so good. I was considering carrying her child. Until she said she is thinking of joining the prison service. There has only been two out lesbians, (other than the heroin useing mommy's girl who buys her hash from a guy who was a first love until he raped me) who I have had a semi sustained verbal interaction with, one of them is a prison warden and the other wants to be one.


I have had 365 views on match.bloodycom and 6 unread emails at least 3 of which are from lads with photos I noticed. Can't afford the subscription to read the mail though..

Men notice me more. Maybe its the different profile photos, the lads get the one wee man took when we were on holiday.

Maybe that says something.

There was a man at the check out que in Morrison's. There wasn't enough staff on so we were all there for a while. Just above average height, short blond care, a sort of longish face that looked cute but scary from angle behind with a heap of drink on the conveyor. As he packed he chatted to the check out women and smiled a lot. Straight on he was beautiful, I had to stare. Then I remembered I was buying a bottle of cheap plonk, a frozen pizza and toilet roll. Pretty obvious I was home alone..

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