well. Never mind the CICA

After leaving my son up the road the came down for an intoxicated weekend. Meet my mum outside matalan slighty worse the wear and me and my boy have been down here ever since. A week after arriving we had temporary accomadation and support, two weeks and we hve a morning nursery place in a new shiny school. Shame about the no spliff rule though after the letter from CICA. Goddam curropt pigs, it's too late for me to backdown but this might jeopordise my safty, I'm in the right place though. my god dont know if i will get used to this keyboard really can't be arsed getting it changed even if it doesn't have a cd drive i can put tunes on usb thingy.

Weather has been so good, lots of long walks, healthy meals and quality time untill I got home today all chuffed cause I piked up my new baby and the sky was still blue. To another totally impersonal and insensitive letter from CICA. pizza for tea, very grumpy mummy means very grumpy boy, tears and tantrums all round. No attempt to address issues and questions asked, right to reply???? I phoned up they are going to send out whatever they have, that will be fun reading. D the support better get it right here, its about the claim at the moment as much the process not fucking me up. Can't let it go, know police can be well tight even when they hate each other.

No hope of compensation, but do have hope for information and memory triggers for my story.

Ohh for booze, for weed, for a bloke, for a women

boo hoo

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