sunshine expected over next day or so

Back on the tea after we kicked over our large and last glass of pink that I'd actually even more drinkable than Mateus but is 3.5% stronger.. Not gonna buy more tonight. Got Asda coming tomorrow. With a box. We do remember thinking a box would be cheaper over Xmas but it didn't quite work out. Going to get another bottle is a quite a thing and we rarely do it but pressing the button and putting a wee but more in the glass. That's not really anything.. Told you we needed a drinks table at the bench..

The rest of last weeks and this weeks Amazon orders came today. We have logs and kindling again. The knee brace fits perfect but the hand one is too big. Our hands are quite little.

Fairies were struggyling with the PVA but the no more nails stuff doesn't dry clear. Will be complaining to the Garden Fairy Folk Union about the shoddy workpersonship.

Looks not bad in the pictures will maybe let them off this time. There is kits of lots of little MDF windows "to decorate yourself" and a pub.. thinking we might order them and get nail polish from the pound shop to tart them up, then stick them everywhere and turn our enclave into an metropolis.. 

Been moving new fairy around.

Can see her better from the kitchen window up there. Leaves that stump bare though.. Done sheltering you all from the neighbours mess. Bugging isn't it..

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