"What's that your smoking?"


It was a clear cool night. We were being overwhelmed by the moon on the water and the rocks, the rhythm of the tide, the fauna and all the smells and all the peace. It was a wonderful place to be and wonderful weed to smoking there. He smiled and reminded me of being younger with the Cheshire Cats. Then he said something beautiful that made us cry a little that we can't, won't ever translate into English.

It's been a long time since we smoked something that made us go ohmygod that is so tasty with every puff. Very much needed. Just went to make a cup of tea and ended up tidying up the big border a bit. Don't know what all the big green leaved things are gonna look when they start flowering proper. We pulled out loads of it, its overcrowding everything else. Thinned the cornflowers in a few places to because they are packed and gave some space to the plants we bought and put in this year and anything else we think isn't a weed.

A few things have started flowering, the patches of blue and white lobelia are doing alright. And the other stuff with spikey leaves is really pretty, pale pink and white. Lots of buds on the pinks. The sunflower is still proudly with us. The one behind it to is as well I think but we are not expecting much from it after dropping a blob of paink perfectly in the centre of its growing tips when it was just a seedling. Oops.

The once stubby buddleia that became all bushy this year espically after we took all the crap away from its roots and then fell over in the wind is also thankfully looking alive. Not touching the bricks at its base though, the doc leaf in there can just stay where it is for now. Water. Foliage feed. Praying.

The shop is still selling plants.. And most likely of them are showing their colours. A lovely redy thing has been added to the giant corner basket. Will most likely go out later pick up more dead leaves and the little bastards hiding in them. Not sure if we mentioned that we saw all the rose buds covered, totally coated in little green twats. We got spray to deal with it and Owly and it was not unsatisfying to see it them all fall off or die where they were. Owly is much better. It is a cool dark viola that is in it and it keeps coming back. Would be cool to return it to former glory. The lobelia in the pig is fucking amazing think cause its so little its gets loads of food and foliage feeding. Feed other stuff more. I know.

Made fried egg rolls for me and the giant child. The plants can wait a bit longer. I've gotta collect in ma stupid supremist pirate game. Friggin Kina and her stupid friggin laser hull destroying cannon thing.

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