coping much better with crowds

Raining hard today. Went for a walk with another woman earlier on, its was good. Didnt feel all that uncomfortable when she asked how many kids we have and the honest answer came back. "Don't know".

Seeing the lad was great except for the wait because they got lost on the way and the look on his face as they left. Heartbreaking.

Bit worried we might of fucked things up by writing too much non relevant stuff on the care review form that was in the house when we got there.. Anyhow its posted. As is our application for free bus travel. Something that we can be assured is part of our future. Its a real thing. The abuse from Oshun was a real thing but not in the same way. It would probably help our self respect if we wrote down some our issues with the way we were treated and posted it to Dundee health board. It could also possibly trigger more physical abuse or the fear of it also.

Swear to god if she sighs like that one more fucking time we are not going to strangle her. Hate it when we come in from our walks & we are feeling great and hopeful and alive and she says something, the same things she is always saying about how bad she feels and we have not let it destroy the happy place we have worked hard to find in ourself.

Jesus psychiatrict hospitals are no place for the emotionaly vulnerable.

You are a help dear Blogger.

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