He's not here. He never will be. We were not closely related and I'm not sure he ever understood for long anyway what we meant when we said "I love you." So much keeping us apart. So much programming, trauma, surveillance and slavery in us both making it impossible for us to keep who we were in our own minds. We were so close so many times to getting out but everything here is based on antisemitism, hate and keeping keeping smart loving people suicidal until they have used us up. Everything here is about keeping easily manipulated, greedy, those incapable of empathy or imagination as leaders and role models. Everything here is sadism.

The calls were different afterwards. Sir you have murdered your only leverage. And yes we know it wasnt "you"just things you have been working extremely closely with for a very long time despite all the intel we provided to prove they were all lying and despite the massive daily damage to myself. May all of you, everything that created you and everything you have be used to create have a speedy and painless death.

I need you Paul. There is nothing but hate here without you.

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