Ordered plug plants, fire wood and put in a big Asda order, with quite a lot of booze and a hedge trimming set. Annihilated the cash but looking forward to how fabulous its going to be out there. It was well into May last year i think before we started getting much done out there last year and Im glad we got out there earlier this year. Haven’t ordered anything we can eat though, just flowers its crazy for pests out there, something is munching the growing tips of one of the clematis as soon as they appear and its in a spot we struggle to keep cats out of. We chucked some bulbs in there but are not expecting much from them. The buddleia in the wicker cone is doing ok and the other is even better. Buddleaia we put in last year is looking happy. The rose is doing its best with all the cat shit. Bless it. Wonder if we will get some flowers from the honeysuckle will flower this year think it was going to last year but then we moved it around and over fed it and it came to nothing..

Cute isnt it?

Im not looking so cute but here is my nervous and determined mug and a sterling silver star with a rose gold heart..


We liked this one because our face is blurry but not the star. And we couldnt take anymore its excruciating. But that is how we were dressed when we went to the GP for a blood pressure check because we are on the pill and smoke tones. Blood pressure normal we were surprised. It was fine she asked the usual stuff about inhalers and we said the usual stuff about only needing the brown but getting out of the habit of taking it regularly then we need the blues. She smiled check geninily at us which was nice. We have been treated like that before and similarly but there's been some severe horribleness gone down in docs surgeries and of course it would be impossible to commit acts of genocide and trafficking systems where multiple child are torturd to amnsia then told they are the same differnert individual  before being murdered while the next child or adult to be forced into that role is made to watch without the NHS. 

Big Asda shop today Davey. More booze than usual because we didn't think their would be weed and there is so we have love lots of booze some weed and plug plants and fire wood on the way. So that's pretty cool. We are gonna love being under the sky in the evenings when its dry and the sky all colours with some heat crackeling. Then doors we can lock, electrical equipment and plumbing for when we are tired and done with that. 

Yeah the undead at the door hasdnt really made us want to get out quickly. Its a good house and we have done lots of work in the garden. We are not attempting to organise and pay for a flit now anyway.  Does have us gearing up though. What we have always said about it being networks who have changed in their pro slavery perspective and plans for 2018. There is always major shut goes down in the summer. Christmas might go past without attacks but a summer without at least some kind of nastiness in the street or a major attack/attempt in the home or elsewhere. The low level shit like comments between passers by, dirty looks and the gobbing near but not on us can goes down unnoticed. There usually plenty of folk around that will smile and chat and all that. That is always a relief but we get scared of the them saying something horrific at any moment. And of course the sense of not being certain in terms of the upfront parts about the danger of eating food prepared by some one else. We all feel sure that the parts that know the specifics are not going to let us eat somewhere we shouldn't but from the perspective of knowing but for the up front isolated parts its especially heartbreaking. Its because we know we can't genuinely say there fears are paranoia and lying to them is not gonna help.

Quite wasted baby bro. Got the teeny tinny diazepam that I'm graciously awarded every two months. We got wine to. We don't give a fuck. Didn't get the codiene though probably wise. Can't wait to see you so I can get some real sleep.

Would rather be with you. Getting wasted just reminds us we are always be anxious without you. Think some of us didn't believe you were real until we saw your stubble and just broke all over again. 

We've done it bro.

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