Extreme Weather Warning

We said the reason we knew they would likely find children as well as drugs and he should maybe consider preparing his people for that, we explained it was because I had been one of those children and that one of my sons still was, we said we had survived and in that we had a pulse and that we were not abusing and selling children. He wasn't convinced, too many Brits, Americans, Italians and French had him filled him with false information and he wasn't making much effort to hold back how much he hated us for stuff we were desperately trying to stop but he said he would see.

It was last year I think when he called again and sounded and talked very differently. He apologied and said he believed us, said he had been speaking to people in other countries that had rescued kids on our intel and been shocked at how shocked we were that they had done so and that they weren't just going to sell them on themselves. He said he probably wasn't going to warn his men and we said it wasn't really possible to effectively prepare someone for their entire world view collapsing anyway. He agreed. He asked if we knew where the kids they were going to find in Germany were headed and we said yes, here. London, Glasgow probably but definitely next door, Frank even shouted about the kids being brought in here.

 Think we told him how they would make a big thing about covering the shed roof this year and other preparations for the children that would be kept there until they and other drug dealers killed them or sold them on to the richer rings. They grin on that bloated  sick cunt as he half assed covering that roof with his shirt off... Talked to about how we had worked so hard partly for our own mental health, how it would be effected by being so close to children being raped, tortured and murdered but be able to do nothing about it because of the involvement of the authorities here and because we couldn't risk the limited safety Sonny and Pablo have.

People have been smiling and saying hi to us recently we know that's a sign they think they have it covered. That they will "get" us. Sick old Frank was told we were over heard speaking in German because that's what the British surveillance networks are for. Lots of the community were out the front when he yelled about how if they didn't get those kids they would get others and made the usual threats against Sonny, Pabs, me and the neighbiourhood kids. Think one of the females said something about Grace and Tommy, Frankie and his sister who we cant remeber the name off and are living with Nathan and Leanne a "friend" of Lauras. We said to the German dude that the risk to kids everywhere on the British Isles espically would be very high when the ones ordered from abroad didn't show up espically as British parents and guardians are quite likely to hand them over and because there is so much police and state involvement. Grace and Tommy and Lynne's two, and the two Nathan's current very sick partner have are of course already with with repeat and horrific offenders, as are most of the kids in Fife espically those with parents that have sold us cannabis.

We can't fix Britian, we can't make Britiain safe for children or give it authorities that arnt slavers, drug dealers addicted to child rape and murder. We can't magic up real journalists or media moguls or organisations that arnt also deeply involved and always pushing very dangerous and false agendas. We can't make the NHS safe. Or the state school system but we can do what we can for kids before they are taken here and sometimes it works.

He said we were right about the patriarchy, class gender thing and how it was easier to believe people who were "like him" and difficult to believe that Britain and American espically were so riddled and controlled by such evils. Think he said our Savile posts and the lack of any attempt of the British to investigate or interview us further was a factor in changing his mind to. Lots of footage of the neighbours boasts and promises, of dealers from elsewhere bullshitting us of the police standing around, taking and giving orders, sharing intel, convincing folks not to worry they will get us as essential aspect of a deeply antisemitic and extremely dangerous to all children community/country/"culture " has been doing the rounds and a lot of shock at how brazen and public everything is, as well as how mentally and not just emotionally nonfunctional people are.

German dude asked how we would feel about living in Germany with Pablo and Sonny and security and we said we would be very happy with that. The Jewishness and the truth about British and American activities in Germany before and during WWII especially would make that kind of right, healing even. He said something about us being triggered by genocide sites and we said sure but its not the same if there is museums and places of mourning  and remembrance to it. He understood.

Don't know if he will manage to arrange it but we believed during the call that he was sincere about us and the boys and getting us to safety being of highest priority. We said the community and networks will be pretty desperate for children to suffer and die awful deaths after the drugs and small humans were prevented from entering Britain and we hoped he or someone could do something as soon as possible for us.

They raid wouldn't of happened and none of the work possible if Aberdeen was still going to be an end destination for some of the kids as it always has. Oil industry involvement, money and clout would of made it all impossible.

Be kind and gentle to yourself kids. Xxxxxx

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