Last Chance for Earth's Industrialised Nations

Yesterdays horrific "oven" dream and constant running from the Gallaghers trying to put us back in one helped us remember that our first survived because like his mum he is fucking amazing. It helps knowing that I am not the only one who survived that nightmare. Love you sis. We didn't manage to stop all the prenatal torture but enough of it. He was born fighting. If he has managed to survive the USA since then we can't be certain (like everything else) from here. Hope so. Hi Noah. Love you. Mama needs weed.

We also stopped blocking that our youngest is about two. They gave an egg to British drug dealers to control us, to Paul Ferris an identity that has and is very useful to them. When we refused to sort out his drug producers and distributers for him because we don't have a fucking time machine and because as we have repeatedly said the forces that forced me and others like me to pretend Earths slaver slaves have power of us are long gone he said he would have it fertilised, sold to be used and tortured by the worst. Maybe that is all bull. Seems unlikely though considering the context of our existence here. We have an image of a boy about that age being discovered in a shipping crate. Alive, deeply traumatised of course but not annihilated. The links between the Scots and the Netherlands are pretty strong so we think it might of been there. Headed for Ferris and Frank and co down here and so we will hear the screams and what hand over Pabs? Ourself? Just curl up and die? Organise drugs deals with people who have stopped producing? Come up with a workable Brexit deal? Hope that's the last of our eggs they have. They have said often and publicaly they will get another bairn from us but we don't think so.

A girl in Scandinavia to. Still surviving.  Still fighting. Still amazing. We hope.

Got new jammies on the way. Been difficult spending because we want every penny for our get the fuck out Fife fund and can't just rely on people helping us because  we helped them and because they promised they would. Our big scar has been itchy so more oil to and some books for Pablo that if anything like the other books we have bought for him he will show no interest in until he finally reads them and then thinks they are brilliant.

Used glue on the hoover head a bit too much though so better wait a bit longer for it to dry. Feeling way to rough anyway thanks to the cold and being on a planet infested with people that arent actually people..

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