stoopid stoopid

Darg stoopid fever, stoopid prison porny everything and everywhere is a film set dreams. Yucky yuck. Got a meeting on Thursday at the school for Pabs transition to secondary, trying not to get too triggered, anxious or over think it. Gotta ask again that his class teacher doesn't mention Bill Johnston to a bairn that wouldnt exist it wasn't for the Johnston's usefulness to rape, kidnapping, slaughter, child abuse and slavery industries. Maybe its worth putting it in writing to whatever pointless complaints about a teacher authority there may be. Or asking social work if they can have a word with them, will be nice to ask social work to get involved with the school instead of the other way round.

Its all very scary even when we are not struggling with a fevered brain. Will reassess tomorrow when we are unlikely to be feeling much better because we can take on the armed forces of industrialised nations, we can take on the designer zombies made by ancient Satanic antisemitism, we can annihilate the sophisticated tech of extra terrestrial slavery networks but the common Earth cold viruses defeat us. Mostly because we are run down from all that other shit.

Been feeling lots of relief about shit that happened last year... Stoopid delayed programmed brain. Stoopider scripted well in advance international relations. More of the worst of the brain implants got permanently removed. Things had the most useful to evil science from the Marshall College materials programmed into them and were of course in the British authorities. No more though. Its kinda bugging we couldnt and can't just start instantly doing all the stuff that shit stopped us from doing for decades but we got an organic brain and organic emotions and an organic need for emotional and practical support. We did get contact though and hugs, including a real one from a real Jew who was also stolen and also had his nose smooshed.

That whole Paul Anderson/Peter Romanov stuff is all bollocks btw he didn't survive the womb and it as always was fucking obvious. Not that we weren't forced to create a part of ourself that didn't see this or remember what he was. We were. Not any more though. Pretty sure it's gone to. All of it. The Railroad finally caught up with him, he tunnels no more. That is another highly important step in it being possible for Sonny to come home and for us to move somewhere less genocidal and rapey. That will be nice.

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