”Not even one?”

Its all fucking lost isnt it Graham. Their all dead or good as. Back in the late eighties a woman who wasn’t our mum told us to to get to attatched as they probably wouldnt make it. She was the closest thing around to a carer but we were never sure about her and not just because our real mum had told us it was unlikely any one would be able to care for us for long no matter how much they wanted to. They were all sleeping on camp beds wrapped up together Zoe, Robbie, Er, Nicky and Lainey. We weren’t sleeping we had had work to do.

Someone said hi to us on the street the other day. Not a local. Bloke, teeth missing in a UPS uniform and we cant separate the image of him from no Lainey. In our sleep today we were wandering around asking people where she was, used our time through out the night to look a climing roses for if and when we ever manage to pull out the beast broom. We said something to you about Ally’s brother didnt we? Fuck all is clear to us but we dont care much about that when there isn’t anything we can do about any of it.

Zoe had chunks of her removed back then in the eighties and we did our best to run ourself and her ever since. We were so fucking little. We were the kid who could walk and talk and the toddler in the buggy she pushed around. It was horrible. Its always been horrible since they took our real mum away but we are not giving up just cause everyone else. Everytime another sick fuck scene found out about it we got a little closer to death or being used like mom was.

Wish we had more wine though, or the obvious needed weed would be much better.

Today we were getting flashes of Er talking us into a church back in Partick. There was a few people there, a Rabbi who called us “Rosa Mensel”. She had set up a wedding for me and Nicky. We read something he had written and said “yeah, fuck it”. It was beautiful for a little while. A very little while.

Getting stuff we think might be Pabs conception and we are not desperate, alone and with a turkey baster. But you know that. How the fuck would we often hold of a turkey baster or had privacy in a bathroom?..

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