Well done

Not sure what the pain levels will be like tomorrow but seriously chuffed we eventually got it done.

Almost there. 

Fuck yeah

Told you it was a monster

Took most of the time that junior was a school. Very grubby, seriously sweaty job in the heat, didnt think we could do it but what with the hand saw that wasnt lost in the flit, the big fork and next door lending us stuff to we got it fucking done without the wall falling on us or any other serious injury, got a cut finger that Pablo put a plaster on and nettle stings on our elbow but that’s all.

Have to wait to get dirt and something pretty for the spot but thats cool we need to take it easy for a few days anyway there was a fair amount of sawing and brute force involved. Lots of cups of tea, smoking donated fags and reading stuff an archeology mag puts on line to keep us going and not extremely over do it.

Tired now but anxious too. Rape in dreams again, we had friends and hang out in a bar with them a lot and looked after a little girl. Left the bar with someone they were wanted some specfic rare booze somewhere and we were grabbed by a gang. Afterwards to said something that ended in “then I woke up hurt” and the police or hospital women saying something about “what do you expect when run into the ten degrees in Roman costums” that was the name of the rape gang, the ten degrees, pretty sure it was them and not us in the Roman gear. Horrible. Curious about where “the ten degrees” came from. A science thing surely. But that thing about “6 degrees of seperation” between people keeps connating. Our scientists must be so fucking angry and bored, not a good combination.

Okay. Sleep. Soon. Gotta pee again anyway.

Our little patch of wall is gonna end up quite beautiful.

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