Diary of Constant Peeing

Was the partner of the blatantly abusive landlord that came over for final inspection. He sounded nice on the phone but was fairly cold and not engaging us when he came round. We were hoping he would ask how the house hunting was going, guess we were hoping for a conversation. Stupid us. We said we had done a lot with the garden but he just looked out the window and said nothing. He talked about having to decorate and recarpet pretty sure thats pretty good for a house that's has three different lease holders in about seven years two small and one less small children and one dying alcoholic in that time and not a penny spent on it by them between us. They were are really supposed to make sure there is working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors we were told they were coming but they never showed think that was over a year ago. There was a guy repainted some of the mess made by the busted roof but he didn't finish the job and the roof wasn't properly fixed and was still leaking and causing mold it wasn't replaced until earlier this year so we had to do it again anyway.

He asked about the stuff in the shed and said something about finding the time but we had already said we didn't have a car and that it was our sister's stuff. He showed no interest in our health so no point telling him we are physically unable to clear it ourself. He did seem slightly peeved about our cold, something about getting rid of it "as soon as possible" seemed to be about us moving out asap and nothing else and said we should of told him to come another day but we could tell by the body language and the way he either talked over us or said nothing there was no point in saying we are pretty much always ill with something. We just said we wanted it over and done with. We did apologise for our cold and are not liking ourself for that now. I'm so sorry we are displaying symptoms and may be infectious and not just invisibly suffering, I'm so sorry our health may get in the way of your profits..

Two medical priority forms filled in, same bloody form different housing associations. One more to do. The closing date on the houses appropriate is a few days away though so will leave it until tomorrow. Could maybe of used Pabs computer and done some copying and pasting but his desk chair is broke, we are not familiar with windows 10 and it takes us ages to get over new thing we don't know what to do we are bloody useless its not fair this world has ruined us anxiety.. Better remember include that..

Haven't gotten far with the capability to work form but have been writing a diary of symptoms, including how handwriting is hurting our hands and a sheet dedicated to how often we visit the loo, we started it at midnight its half nine in the evening it has twenty five entries.. And we may of forgotten to write down a couple.. :-/

We are not fit for capitalism. Or rather capitalism is not fit for us.

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