Proudly announcing the annual haircut...

The deed is done. Hair is chopped. Wish we could of done it months ago it always makes us feel better. Its really short. With a fringe. She was good at coming up with suggestions to we can be a bit whatever just cut it off. She cut through our silver chain with the clippers but that's okay, it's a cheap silver chain and was probably gonna break when we tried to clean it anyway. Found a gold one when we got back that Margo's mum gave us and used that. They took more off the bill than they needed to and kinda wish we had remembered to tip the girl she was lovely did a good job and didn't ask any excruciating stereotypical hairdresser questions about boyfriends, holidays, jobs, family.

Haven't done much else today except make tasty tea, medallion steaks, chips, gravy, yorkies, veg so our hands are not too bad. Hope we get some kitchen cleaning done tomorrow though especially the floor, maybe start packing some stuff. Will probably start writing a list of stuff we need to talk to GP about. Best to not try remember everything at once.

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