why do they have to spoil anything good about everthing?

The food supplement pills did seem to be helping our mood and quality of sleep, a little bit. We made soup in the last few days, been keeping the kitchen cleaner to and hoovering. Staying awake all day and keeping busy just isn't resetting our sleep pattern, we get a night of decent sleep but still can't keep our eyes open the next day, nap a bit then can't sleep at all. Getting some good chuckles from pintrest though. Drinking too much wine isn't helping but the first class or two does. But we won't be having any today. Feeling too yuck. Hate sending dude to school with a class teacher that didn't mind telling us or him that's she supports an abuser despite being asked not to, why would our opinion make a difference? Its of no consequence.. He sneezed and coughed a bit, that will do us start the autumn holidays early.

Feeling close to the horror and agony that Louise lived all those years and the horror and agony we were put through particularly in Dundee in the hope that if we were tortured enough we would give up on ourself and start being who they wanted Louise to be but she of course wasn't. Some connection to Fifty Cents and members of his crew. Music industry, so awful. A call to Sonny from Paul Simon telling him he was his dad and that he loved him and I didn't. Think we shared some of it over social media years ago. But yeah the authorities can be trusted to investigate anything or even somethings. When we managed to come round a bit Sonny said he didn't want to be called Sonny any more and we talked about nature names.

Memories of rural genocide, they covered a little kid petrol in a farmer's field that recently been harvested then set him alight then laughed and laughed and clapped and hooted as he ran around screaming until he dropped. But yeah everyone is doing everything they can about Frank and co, for the safety of all children because we live in countries that believe in truth, justice and protecting those values and the police arnt that bad..

It's all getting us quite achey. Haven't ordered more pain killers yet though or sorted out hair cuts for us both. Maybe tomorrow.

We hate it here.

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