Hurty hands :-/

Asda delivery yesterday, lots of eating and drinking and I actually got more than three hours sleep and it feels pretty damn good. Stupid cold, stupid pain still bugging us of course and our hands are really suffering from all the form filling, which we can't type because we get all overwhelmed with computers these days and that takes ages to go away. We tried to use the app for ages even though it doesnt autosave and we lost everything we had written a few times, took ages for us months to feel comfortable using tablet to write these and have only just started using chrome as main browser instead of the crappy one that came with it because that was the first one we used.. Its kinda humiliating knowing there is a world of less smart less cool people out there who can learn shit way better and don't get overwhelmed by simple tasks like we do but doesn't make us feel inferior like it used to.

Looking forward to next week, picking up our phone and got a viewing somewhere we actually have a chance at and could practically live and isn't far from train station. Quite hopeful. Better than most of yesterday when lack of sleep, nightmares and various aches and pains had us very triggered and hopeless. Will have the lad with us to stop us getting lost and if we prepare properly and don't get too stressed we probably won't get lost next week, exposing our self to new places a little at time can work quite well.

Have stopped looking at places that are too far from bus stops, shops but have wonderful "aspects", stoves.. Or rather we do look at them but dont email about them or attempt to figure out if we can figure out a way of viewing them.   Just sigh and move on. Inhuman landlords are gonna have a serious issue with all the crap we gonna have to leave but we can't be crippling ourself attempting to met their unreasonable and impossible expectations. Really hope they dont withhold most or all of the deposit. Cause 100 quid or so would make such a to their business versus me and the lads life.. They have no concept of what it's like be skint ill in pain and totally alone.

Might even try and get haircut today or Monday.. Will be so glad we did and feel much less self conscious about looking dowdy and unemployable we are fabulous and unemployable.

Ouch my bloody hands. Maybe typing form wouldn't make that much difference anyway.

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