..Oh no please don't force me out of Fife..

Pretty sure that's what was said back in Dundee when they threatened us with this, think the last post was a factor but our general refusal to take orders from rapists and not shut up about genocide is not gonna make us popular and they were running very low on meaningful threats. One calander month though... Wish we had started saving a little earlier then it would be easier. As would a driving license and a car.. And friends or family or real ID and bank accounts. Oh well, we need help motivating ourself and this is certainly that, not sure what the letter meant by "current climate" though it's maybe just something they say. Hope however buys it appreciates our fairy garden..

When we grabbed our nearest notebook to write down notes for houses it fell open on this, obviously written when we were still playing Happy Street and hadn't decided on the "z"..

No we can't make it all out or make sense of it all either, big part of why this blog exists we can't read our own hand writing and think faster and messier than we can write. Sweet but to have found a £1,000 or 2 in the notebook would of been a lot more useful and make it all a lot more possible, less exhausting, stressful. 

We ordered Xmas presents last night because the lad has back into the playmobile, which got dispatched today and couldn't be cancelled. Not usual for Amazon to be so quick of the mark. He wants a room just for playmobile, sounds great, wonderful but probably out of our budget. Don't know if there is much point in applying to housing associations since there is only a month but started applications anyways and lost part or all of said applications, internet forms are great espically on crappy tech. We might get an email with a number we didn't write down because we assumed it would be emailed..

Can't see how we can possibly view all the places we want to view on public transport and  taxis, gonna be a fortune before the deposit and the flit. As always, thanks Earth your a big help.

I know we talk all tough but it would make so much difference if there was someone to tell us “its gonna be okay. I will help.”  Worried about what the work, the travel, the stress and our on off self care will do to our health. Trying not to think about whatever trauma and war will be waiting for us wherever we end up. Definitely avoiding all the royal wedding crap that gets pushed as news. None of them have the figures over there heads like me and pabs do and none of them have ever had to do anything on their own and on a tight budget. None of them have been forced to work then left to be attacked and starved. We have constantly stated we hate it here though, constantly begged for contact, hugs and support to. Havent been given notice of any of that happening.

We might end up with a place we love, with lovely rural views and either way we will get that new home hopefulness that we couldn’t get here. 

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