..fabulous.. *sarcasm*

Yeah that's a sore throat on top of the gyn ache we thought when we woke up but we can rest, do a little, rest, do a little, rest.. Put some stuff in boxes, faced the cupboard that still has Laura's stuff as well as loads of our hand written notes about about ourself.. Made a wee pile to send up the road, that may trigger a phone call but its baby pics and albums we can't chuck it out, I'm not like that. Emotional though of course espically since Ms Sore Throat has of course been joined by Mrs Fever, they are quite inseparable. Okay, bigger rest required and food, not being able to eat and only being able to eat empty calories is a big factor in our symptoms. Lad sent up to charity shop with some clothes, think they will take books to. Very handy. I will just opened this letter than landed on the mat with an ominous thud.

Capability for work questionnaire.

Cry a little, deep breathing. Had some beans on toast (round of applause) and back to bed with hot water bottle cause the gyn pain and the fever and the too emotional to do fuck all is getting worse and cause we dont sleep right and we need to. About to level up in hidden object game. That's something. And it will be painkiller time again soon..

Been thinking about the old English people in India film we watched on guest house free view. It was pretty sweet, we needed something to chill out to and it kinda worked. "It will be alright in the end and if its not alright its not the end." There was also lines about the local cultures seeing life as a privilege, something to centre on. Much better centering on that than the thought of having to appeal and being interviewed again, or how much more messed up we would get by being declared fit to work and how this fucks up our applications for somewhere to live.

Today we have decent home and a comfy bed though, a son, a hot hot water bottle, painkillers that help a little and food in the cupboard for tea, tuna neopolitana and are about to level up and get our energy bar refilled.

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